The groups listed below meet in the church facility. This is a great way for those who are currently not part of a group to try something out and to get connected. Many of our groups use RightNow Media resources in their study the Scriptures to facilitate group discussion.

Click here for more info about Rightnow Media.

Click here to receive help starting a new group.

Their stories are not fairytales, their road was not easy, and their examples are not perfect. They lived in times and places quite different than ours. Yet they hold up a mirror to our souls that can help us better understand our own story. And in doing so, we find freedom to come to God as we are, with total transparency —honest and real.

In this small group journey, taught by six acclaimed Bible teachers— including Lysa TerKeurst — you will meet a group of women in the Bible whose lives teach us about ourselves and about who God is. You and your group will open yourselves to the raw and revealing stories of frailties, struggles, brokenness, and victories of real women from both the Old and New Testaments.

Discover lessons from each of these 12 women that will help you:

Apply biblical lessons to your own modern-day struggles.

Persevere through your failures and accept your successes.

Draw near to God in a world filled with trials.

Find lasting contentment in every situation.

Overcome rejection and insecurity.

Facilitator: Diane Hadler

Tuesday Evenings Starting March 19th
7-9PM in Rm 104

This spring, the Wednesday Morning Women’s Group offers 3 group studies to choose from. Enjoy gathering as one large group to enjoy friendship and fun, then select the breakout group Bible study that interests you.

Option 1: Find Your People

In the Find Your People video Bible study, bestselling author Jennie Allen looks at the original community in Genesis, the Trinity, and the creation of people to see what God had planned for us all along. Jennie offers practical solutions for creating true community in a world that's both more connected and more isolating than ever before.

Drawing on fascinating insights from science and history, timeless biblical truth, and vulnerable stories from her own life, Jennie helps us discover exactly how to dive into the deep end and experience the full wonder of community. Along the way, we’ll discover the five life patterns required to build deep, connected relationships.

Breakout Group Facilitator: Melanie Sands

Option 2: The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

We are all busy. Some of us can't remember the last time we rested or even had free time. Our busyness can feel productive but it is a toxic distraction, sapping our spiritual, physical, and emotional vitality. It may seem like we have no choice but to live at a frantic pace, but God has a better path for us.

Join pastor and author John Mark Comer in this five-part series as he addresses one of the greatest threats to our spiritual lives: hurry. Instead of allowing our calendars and screens to control our lives, Jesus offers us a new rhythm of life, overflowing with grace, peace, and beauty.

Breakout Group Facilitator: Tawny Babcock

Option 3: The Book of Colossians

A verse-by verse look at the book of Colossians, celebrating Christ’s supremacy and encouraging us to keep walking in Christ.

Breakout Group Facilitator: Kathy Runnalls

Facilitator: Donna Serr

Wednesday Mornings Starting April 10th
9:30-11:30AM in Hub 1

Are you thrown for a loop when the unexpected happens? Good news: God has never been surprised.

Life is an unpredictable journey full of twists and turns. The good news is that while we don't always know what's going to happen, we can always trust that God uses everything in our lives as an invitation to rely on him more deeply and completely.

In this five-session video Bible study, bestselling author Christine Caine shows that while most of us have been trained to fear the unexpected and want everything to be "under control," God wants us to anticipate the unexpected with a faith-filled perspective rooted in trust.

We can move from a life with fear, control, and feeling stuck to one full of hope, faith, and trust. In an age of upheaval, we can expect our God to be good and do good. We can trust God in the unpredictable circumstances of life by anticipating, welcoming, and even embracing the unexpected.

Facilitator: Carrie McDonald

Monday Evenings Starting April 15th
7-8:30PM in Rm 22

For any leader working in the marketplace.

Marketplace leaders have a unique opportunity to step into a purpose that is aligned with who God is and how God has made them. Everywhere we look, we can see God using faith-driven leaders to bring order out of chaos, solve problems, seize opportunities, and create dignity and opportunity for those who interact with startups of all sizes.

Our group is currently tapping into the world class resources generously provided by Discussing Christian entrepreneurship and how keeping our faith anchored in Jesus is our first priority. Henry Kaestner, co-founder of Bandwidth (Nasdaq: BAND), Sovereign’s Capital, and Faith Driven Media, guides us through the real-life stories of entrepreneurs living out their faith.

Stepping into the venture God has drawn you to requires faith. Find out what it looks like to take a leap, trust God along the way, and let your faith lead you in the marketplace. 

Led by Solomon Sands, owner and operator of a local business.

Next Meeting: Tuesday May 14th
7-8AM in Hub 1

The book of Romans is considered by many to be one of the most important books ever written on the Christian faith. Writing to Christians, the apostle Paul defines the gospel, explores its depths, and discusses its significance and implications for the Christian life.

Join pastor J.D. Greear in this twelve-session series where he walks, chapter by chapter, through the second half of Paul’s letter to the church in Rome. Discover the timeless relevance of the book of Romans and encounter the power of the gospel. Note: This series is in two parts. You can find Part 1 in the RightNow Media library.

Facilitator: Linda Toma

Thursday Afternoons Until March 28th
1-3PM in Rm 200

Why We Do What We Do

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A Relationship With God

The One who created you
and calls you by name.

John 3:16

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BIble-Based Fellowship

Becoming more like Jesus in my attitude, behaviour and character.

2 Timothy 3:16

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Community That Cares

Stepping out and serving others
with the love of Christ.

1 John 3:16

Jamie McDonald


Pastor of community life

Reach out to Jamie for more info, or to get involved.